As the end of each year approaches, TNUC Enterprises continues to be surrounded by John Candy films. Aside from the obvious Thanksgiving theme in Planes, Trains and Automobiles, for some reason most of his movies fit most comfortable and work so well around the holidays.

Released in 1989, Uncle Buck shows Candy playing the most sincere and genuine character he’s ever played in a movie, and he does it with ease. You instantly fall in love his character and everyone I know can always associate Buck with someone they know in their lives. The combination of John Hughes’s writing and John Candy’s on-screen abilities delivers an untouchable realness that so many filmmakers fail to accomplish these days (be sure to read our post about John Hughes too).

This song is pulled from the epic final scenes of Uncle Buck, when Buck says his goodbyes to the young girl in the film and gives one of the finest freeze-frame faces ever to be captured on screen. Not many times in cinema does an actor deliver a performance where you forget at times that he/she is really acting. Hugh Harris’s ‘Rhythm Of Life’ will surely get your heart pumping and make you want to raise a holiday beer in the air. The piano intro, pummeling drums and unexpected saxophone are so powerful that they leave many people weeping a little as they see Buck take a final bow before the closing credits arrive.

Thanks John. This holiday beer is for you.

5 Comments on “THANKS.”

  1. we've made UB a thanxgiving tradition for years!!
    thanx for recognizing the genius, and warmth of this film.
    and yes, every time we see the still at the end of JC waving good bye, we give a lil “aw”.
    a great actor.

  2. Such a great point. So glad that Candy was apart of that triumphant decade! Gonna watch it again, thanks for the reminder TNUC

  3. I just watched Uncle Buck on a “TV Guide Channel” complete with editing and vast commercial breaks … I had forgot about the end where he says “we're leaving not dying” and Charice makes a joke about him not lasting as long as his shitty car. Then that last frame … I really miss John Candy T_T

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